Connect Twitter

Require users to follow certain Twitter accounts and retweet/like a specific Tweet.

The Connect Twitter option creates a requirement on the raffle forcing users to connect their Twitter account to Alphabot so that their Twitter account name can be returned to the raffle creator after the raffle is complete.

When the checkbox is checked, the creator will be able to add as many Twitter accounts to follow as they like, by pasting the @username or link to the Twitter profile(s) to follow into the Follow Twitter Accounts text field and then clicking on the + icon in the right of the field. The Twitter account will then display above the field, as shown in the image below.

The creator can also add one tweet that user is required to retweet, like, or both - by pasting the link to the tweet in the Like/retweet field and selecting which option to require.

These requirements are checked using the Twitter API when the user registers for the raffle.

Last updated